硬件設(shè)備 | 預(yù)約演示 | 熱線 : 0755-27211799



final clearance 結(jié)關(guān)放行 
final decision 最后決定 
fine 罰金、罰款 
fixed duty 固定關(guān)稅 
General Customs Administration 海關(guān)部署 
general deduction 一般減稅 
inspect 檢查,檢驗(yàn) 
intergovernmental aid 政府間的援助 
declaration form 報(bào)關(guān)單 
dutiable goods 應(yīng)稅貨物 
Duty Assessment Office 征稅部門 
ensure 使……必發(fā)生 
electronic invoices 電子發(fā)票 
establish the entered value 確立報(bào)關(guān)單價(jià)格 
economic interests 經(jīng)濟(jì)利益     
EDI(Electronic Data Interchorge) 電子數(shù)據(jù)交換 
account for 占……比率;報(bào)賬 
assign 轉(zhuǎn)讓 
a brokerage firm 報(bào)關(guān)行 
a consumption entry 消費(fèi)商品進(jìn)口報(bào)關(guān) 
Automated clearing ----house 自動(dòng)化結(jié)算系統(tǒng) 
anti -dump 反傾銷 
abate 減輕,撤銷(法令等) 
accompanying article 攜帶物品 
accord to 給予 
according to 按照 
ad valorem duty 從價(jià)稅 
bond 擔(dān)保 
bulletin 告示 
breach 違犯 
bonus 律貼 
bond 保稅  
customs sub --office 海關(guān)分關(guān) 
conductive 有助于……的 

關(guān)鍵字: 海關(guān)   英語詞語   匯集   國(guó)際物流寶典  




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